Hello to the world!!!!!!!! Sorry I havn't written in so long, with the holidays on I guess I was just busy. I'm here now though and here to tell you what I did. Well the first weeks were really boring and we weren't planning on goin' on holiday but fortunately for me my friend had invited me to come to Scotland with him, his big sister and her friend. So we all went on the train by ourselves to Carlisle where we met my friends Grandparents (which was who we were staying with) and me and my friend became a 'big fat lady' for the rest of the week because we didn't all fit in the back of the car. I better add that I have been to my friends grandparents house 4 times before so I know them well. when we got there we found out which room we'd be staying in and dumped our stuff there then immediately ran outside to see their new welsh pony, prince (what an eater he is). My friends grandparents live right in the middle of nowhere and have acres of land, which means loads of space to run around. They have a collie called Harvey and I've told you about Prince. In their back garden they have a very small gorge or a massive ditch-which ever is easier to say- where they have a log swing which swings right out over the massive ditch. I managed to stay on all week till the last day when I fell off into this ditch and ALMOST landed in a massive pile of nettles. But my favourite part about the whole weeks was when I got bitten by a mole, yep, that's right, a mole. Basically Harvey found a mole and started chucking it all over the place and the mole was squealing and rubbing it's hands all over it's face, you had to feel really sorry for it. Unfortunately someone did, Rachael, (my friend Irvine's sister Aoife's friend, if you follow me) she shouted "someone pick it up!" so I said "oh fine" and picked it up by the body instead of the scruff of the neck so it wheeled round and bit my hand as hard as it could. Although I don't blame it because it can't exactly tell whether I'm saving it or trying to kill it. Moles are blind!!!!!!! Fortunately for the mole it got away, but I don't know if it survived because it had quite a lot of injuries. We had an AWESOME week, it was probably the best week of my life AND it left me with a story to tell my kids!!! Then a couple of days ago I went to Splash Landing which is an amazing water park but I don't have time to tell that story. So it's chow for now!!!